Category Archives: Editor’s note

These are notes from Dev. Mostly about the site.

Work(s) in progress

This is pretty much a proof-of-life post to show that work is ongoing on lots of different things. Think of it as a preview of coming attractions.

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Mobile theme

As WordPress have updated their mobile theme to something that I can actually live with, we’ve turned the mobile option on, so the site does look different if you’re on your phone. It’s not just you.


Now, I know how much everyone around here loves it when I make changes to the site, but I wanted to de-clutter the main interface a little and make it easier for people to get around. So, having run a little background experiment, logging who clicks through various links and whatever, I have culled a whole bunch of stuff and left only the sections that are well used. I have also swapped ‘categories’ and ‘more info’ around because, well, most people who come here just want to know where the fics are. Other (far more minor) changes that you probably shouldn’t notice too much will be rolled out over the next few weeks.


So, the site’s rather splendid – if I do say so myself – winter clothes have been put away for another year. And the falling snow has gone. And Mandy Musgrave’s tweets have gone because she’s left twitter. But, it’s time to welcome in the New Year. I might make some minor site changes this week. Nothing too fancy.

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Editor’s note: Minor changes

Just to reiterate some things I mentioned in the PG, there have been a few wee changes today:

1. I added Mandy Musgrave’s Twitter feed to the far left-hand column.
2. There’s a special category for Secret Santa 2009.
3. For new fics, I have created shortlinks so you can Tweet about our awesomeness or text/email the links to your chums. I might create a ‘tweet this’ button at the bottom of fics at some later date. But, for now, copy, paste and tweet!


Today, I’m feeling especially festive, as I’ve been making a list and checking it twice and planning a mini-facelift for the site for the festive season.

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PG Abuse Warning

Due to abuse, I have added Mells1976’s IP address to the moderation queue. So, all comments from that address will be held for Clom or myself to approve before they’re posted. This will remain in place until I am satisfied that the issue is resolved. Unfortunately, this will affect everyone who posts from the same IP address. At present, that is only Mells1976 and jason8969 (his posts have been previously been deleted as abusive), but there may be entirely innocent posters who are affected by this move and I apologise in advance.

Thankfully, the reverse IP look-up provides the contact details of the IT supervisor responsible for abuse through that domain. For obvious reasons, I’m not going to post them here so, if anyone else affected by this decision wishes to take it up directly with their local IT team, you can contact me (dev0347) and I will send you his email address and phone number.

If you work at the same company and don’t want to inform IT support, here’s a handy guide to password-protecting Internet Explorer on your machine.

PGCCCXL: Reminder

Just to remind everyone, words of greater than 36 characters will break the site design in hand-held devices. And then I will bear down upon you with great vengeance and smite you.

To help you out: thirtysixcharactersinonewordisplenty

Anything longer than that, you will feel my wrath. Those who have transgressed recently know who they are *coughs*Packsy*coughs*


For some reason, the site went haywire overnight. It is fixed.

PGCCXCVI: Birthdays / Twitter

The keeper of our list, young peanut, reminds me that we missed one. So, Happy Belated Birthday to kick. But, in perfect time, Happy Birthday to Cracker (which is today, I think).

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